Meet &above - RCCO & WILD have merged
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Partnering long-term to launch an analytics app

Branding / Webflow Website / Product / Animation


Global website relaunch with scalable local impact

Website Design & Development

All work

Showcasing a music start-up
focussed on discovery






Interaction Design

Web Design


Creative Direction & UI Design - Marta Croce

Development - RCCO & Keakie

Interaction Design - Karol Tylke

The brief

Find out more about Keakie.

Keakie is a music app focussed on discovery of new music and artists. They reached out to us for support designing and developing an About site. The goal was to detail a unique proposition to their audiences of Listeners, Artists, and Advertisers. A requirement was to leverage their desktop and mobile app screens, and utilise brand imagery built from dark backgrounds.

The solution

Discover new music like never before.

We collaborated with the Keakie in-house design and product teams to ensure brand consistency and correct application across the project. We supported the process from UX design through to bespoke React development and interaction design.


The project focus was to ensure users feel the Keakie brand while discovering the purpose of the app. Keakie’s team provided assets that we paired with contrasting UI design to build impact across devices. We considered the interactions of the site across the user journey and built value with each element.

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Building a bold video brand with powerful values

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